Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Jan 9-10 Make Friends with Your Body, Make Friends with Food

Make Friends with Your Body; Make Friends with Food

A Weekend Retreat for Women of All Sizes

January 9 & 10, 2009

INTRODUCTION - Saturday - 10:00-11:30 - Registration with payment due Dec 31 - $25

RETREAT - Saturday 1:00-5:00 & Sunday 11:00-5:00 - $170 by Dec 31 or $195 at the door

El Cerrito near BART - Scent-free - Location and directions will be emailed when you register

Would you like to trust food again? To accept your body exactly the way it is? Whether you've lived in a big body that's attracted negative attention, struggled to keep your body small, or felt like a failure from the ups and downs of the weight loss roller coaster, this retreat can help. Join us and discover:

- The truth about health and size based on recent research

- What you can do to improve your health regardless of your weight

- Gentle ways to let go of old feelings about looks, food, and exercise

- How to increase your satisfaction with food and reconnect with intuitive eating

- How to stop putting your life on hold and appreciate the body you have NOW

Come to the Introduction to learn the basics about Health at Every Size, and about the five stages of grief involved in letting go of old ideas about perfecting and punishing your body. Stay for the two-part Retreat and get the support you need to apply these simple principles in your everyday life. You’ll get information about weight loss myths and size acceptance resources, and a chance to experience relaxation techniques, visualization, writing and sharing, and a unique mindful eating exercise.

Sarah Josef (510-292-1116) is a Registered Dietitian and the creator of Eating with Integrity, a HAES (Health at Every Size) approach to nutrition. She teaches at both John F. Kennedy University and San Francisco State. Sarah has a private practice in El Cerrito, where she coaches her clients in intuitive eating and holistic nutrition.

Jeanne Courtney (510-527-5662 ext 2) is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist who helps women of all sizes learn to love their bodies exactly as they are. She has provided empathic, responsive therapy for couples and individuals for over 20 years. Her article, Size Acceptance as a Grief Process, was published in the Journal of Lesbian Studies in 2008. Jeanne has a private practice in San Francisco and El Cerrito.510-527-5662 ext 2

Register at

Other ways to register: Mail your check payable to Jeanne Courtney, or use and pay to And send the following information by postal mail or email to POB 453, El Cerrito, CA 94530; email to; or voice mail to 510-527-5662 ext 2: Name - Phone - Mailing address - Zip - Email address - How you heard about this workshop.


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