Make Friends with Your Body
A Workshop for Women of All Sizes
Saturday, May 8
11:00 am - 1:00 pm
IMPORTANT: Please arrive 10-15 minutes early; for security reasons, the building must be locked promptly at 11 am, and no one is available to watch the door for late arrivals.
Mandana Community Recovery Center
3989 Howe Street in Oakland
FREE for Mandana members
$5 donation to Mandana requested for non-members
No one turned away for lack of funds
Wheelchair accessible
Please refrain from wearing scented products
Would you like to love and nurture your body at any size, exactly the way it is? Whether you've lived in a big body that's attracted negative attention, struggled to keep your body small, or felt like a failure from the ups and downs of the weight loss roller coaster, this workshop can help. Diets are addictive. They bring long term weight loss only about 5 percent of the time and, paradoxically, they lead to weight gain about 50 percent of the time. That's why many women are choosing to practice the principles of Health at Every Size - eating and exercising in ways that are fun, healthy, and intuitive, and letting go of weight loss as a goal. But letting go is easier said than done. We'll talk about that process in terms of the five stages of grief - denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. We'll use relaxation and visualization techniques to help you develop a more nurturing, accepting relationship with your body, And we'll talk about how to stop putting your life on hold and start really living in the body you have today.
Jeanne Courtney is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist who helps women of all sizes learn to love their bodies exactly as they are. She has provided empathic, responsive therapy for couples and individuals for over 20 years. Her article, Size Acceptance as a Grief Process, was published in the Journal of Lesbian Studies in 2008. She has presented a longer version of this workshop in her private practice, and at the National Lesbian Health Conference at UCSF in 2009. Jeanne has a private practice in San Francisco and El Cerrito. For more information see her website at or call her at 510-527-5662, ext. 2.
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